The top 5 reasons LTD claims are denied.

  • #1 – Insufficient Medical Documentation

Insurance companies will often state that the medical documentation you provided does not support your claim that you are disabled from working. This is a catch-all tactic. They often do not explain why your documents are insufficient. If your doctors or treatment providers support your disability, you should generally qualify for your LTD policy.

  • #2 – You Are Not “Totally Disabled”

This is a conveniently misleading term that was crafted by insurance companies. The term “totally disabled” does not mean you need to be paralyzed, in a coma, or suffering from a brain injury to qualify for long term disability. It means that you cannot do substantial aspects of your occupation, or any occupation for which you are suited for by training, education, or experience.

  • #3 – You Can Do Similar Work

Many people are cut off close to or around the 2-year mark of their policy because their insurer takes the position that they can move into another occupation, when that is in fact not the case and against medical advice from your doctor. If the results of the skills assessment performed by the insurance company goes against your doctor’s advice, you need to contact us.

  • #4 – We Have Surveillance On You

This tactic is extremely common. It is frequently used to intimidate LTD claimants. It is a bullying tactic and often causes claimants to panic. If the insurance company denies your LTD due to surveillance they conducted, contact us immediately

  • #5 – Insurance Medical Consultant Does Not Think You Are Disabled

In many cases, the medical consultants employed by the insurance company are “hired guns” or are not even doctors! That, or they lack the correct expertise to comment on your case. They will simply review the file without assessing the claimant.

  • Contact Us

If your insurance provider has cited any of these reasons in their decision to deny or cut off your long-term disability claim, contact us at:, for a free initial consultation.