$110,000 for fractured fibs, knee injury and chronic pain.
In Grewal v. Naumann, 2015 BCSC 1147, the plaintiff was involved in a 2007 T Bone collision. The collision was significant and resulted in 3 broken ribs, a knee injury requiring surgical intervention and a variety of soft tissue injuries resulting in some chronic symptoms. In assessing non-pecuniary damages at $110,000 Mr. Justice Masuhara provided the following reasons:
[120] My findings of the injuries suffered by the plaintiff from the Accident are:
(a) three fractured ribs two of which were comminuted, and internal injuries which physically healed by January 2008;
(b) chondromalacia patella and a small tear to the anterior horn of medial meniscus; which was repaired by surgery; there is some risk of arthritic degeneration but only slightly greater than the general population. The range of motion in his right knee has always been normal; though at times there has been the presence of fluid buildup which has never been assessed as more than minimal.
(c) soft tissue injuries to neck, right shoulder, lower back, right wrist and right ankle.
(d) chronic pain. While I find that there is chronicity to some of Mr. Grewal’s reported pain. I find that the pain is at the low end of the range.
(e) the recurrence of a major depression which is now in remission. Mr. Grewal had a pre-Accident history of depression, including major depression and that the Accident caused him to experience significant depression and anxiety. The Accident related depression arose in around June 2009 and became a major depression in April 2011, gradual improvement was occurring which by February 2013 no depression was detected and was deemed to be in remission by December 2013 where Mr. Grewal was found to be in a “happy stable state”. Mr. Grewal’s sleep was said to be “good” by September 2012. He has remained in remission since and that reducing his medications is a potential. Mr. Grewal however is at higher risk to suffer from recurrence of anxiety and depression as a result of the Accident.
[132] Based on my findings of Mr. Grewal’s injuries from the Accident including the likelihood of future effects, my view is that the defence cases cover injuries which are not as extensive as the plaintiff’s and that the injuries approximate closer to the cases handed up by the plaintiff. However, his depression continued for some time before going into remission; the knee injury and resulting surgery, and ongoing chronic pain (though at the low end) are factors which require added recognition.
[133] I assess damages at $110,000.