LTD Plan Administrator punished directly for bad faith claims handling.
On October 15, 2019, the BC Supreme Court ordered that an administrator of a long-term disability plan pay damages for mental distress, and punitive damages for its bad faith handling of a disability claim covered by a collective agreement. In Greig v. Desjardins Financial Security Life Assurance Co., 2019 BCSC 1758, Dennis Greig, who had suffered injuries in a motor vehicle accident, was re-injured on the job and was unable to return to work. He successfully applied for LTD benefits but his benefits were later suspended for 17 months before being re-instated. When Mr. Greig’s benefits were...
read moreInsurance Bad Faith
Insurance policies are sold on the basis they pay claims for an unanticipated event that results in a loss. This can include claims arising from damage to property and under disability and life insurance policies. When something goes wrong resulting in a claim, the insurance policy sets out the terms of coverage. If covered, the insured is compensated for the loss. While this process can go very smoothly without problems, sometimes insurance companies take the position your claim is not covered and deny coverage for the claim. Not only can that decision can be wrong and unfair, it can result...
read moreInsurer must disclose internal documents in bad faith claim.
On April 29, 2019 the Nova Scotia Supreme Court ordered an insurance company to produce its policies, procedures, guidelines and internal documents concerning how an accident benefits claim was handled in a bad faith action. In Malloy v. Intact Insurance Co., [2019] N.S.J. No. 170, 2019 NSSC 131, Shauna Malloy was injured in a motor vehicle accident. Ms. Malloy’s insurance company, Intact, accepted the claim for accident benefits, but denied reimbursement for a medical procedure. Ms. Malloy sued alleging bad faith and sought an order that Intact produce its policies, procedures,...
read moreManulife violates human rights, employer pays the price.
On March 19, 2019, the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario found that Manulife’s handling of a disability claim was “significantly flawed” (para. 36), amounting to a breach of Marianne Knight’s human rights. The Tribunal found that the employer, Surrey Place Centre, “delegated” it’s responsibilities to Manulife. Since Manulife was acting as the legal agent of the employer, it was the employer who was made to pay for Manulife’s conduct. In Knight v. Surrey Place Centre, 2019 HRTO 482, the medical evidence showed that Ms. Knight was...
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