BC Supreme Court “Unable to Presume That ICBC Will Conduct Itself Honourably Moving Forward”.
On March 13, 2024, the BC Supreme Court showed just how poorly ICBC fulfilled their obligations to an individual they insured despite making promises to the court that they will be fair. Madam Justice Murray noted she is “unable to presume that ICBC will conduct itself honourably moving forward“. In (Taylor v. Peters) the plaintiff suffered serious injuries in a 2017 crash. She was not at fault. Back then BC crash victims still enjoyed the right to sue for proper compensation. At trial the plaintiff was awarded $407,000 in total damages. ICBC, the insurer for the at fault driver, could...
read moreBlue Cross Life must pay $1.5 million in punitive damages.
In a landmark decision, released on December 20, 2023, the Court of Appeal for Ontario has affirmed the groundbreaking $1.5 million punitive damages award by a Toronto jury in the case of Baker vs. Blue Cross Life Insurance Company of Canada, 2023 ONCA 842, solidifying the largest known punitive damages ever awarded in a Long-Term Disability (“LTD”) claim in Canada. “The Court’s endorsement underscores the significance of holding insurance companies accountable for their actions,” said Stephen Birman, lawyer from Thomson Rogers who, along with Robert M....
read moreAppeal Court upholds $1.5 million punitive damages against LTD insurer.
In Baker v. Blue Cross Life Insurance Co. of Canada, [2023] O.J. No. 5748, 2023 ONCA 842, the Ontario Court of Appeal (“OCA”) upheld a $1.5 punitive damages award against a disability insurer, finding that it was warranted in the face of what appeared to be a systemic approach by the insurer’s claims handling team to ignore the insured’s rights under the policy. However, the court found that the trial judge erred in creating a new category of cases where full indemnity costs will automatically follow (although they were allowed on the facts of this case). The insured suffered a...
read moreInsurer punished for improperly withholding payment.
On May 3, 2022, the BC Supreme Court ordered that a homeowner’s insurer pay PUNITIVE DAMAGES for withholding payment of the undisputed parts of a fire loss claim. In Green Estate v. Sonnet Insurance Co., 2022 BCSC 709, an executor brought an application against the estate’s insurance company for breach of statutory condition 12 and breach of the implied duty of good faith in failing to indemnify the estate for losses arising out of a house fire. Statutory condition 12 requires the insurer to pay or reject a claim 60 days after proof of loss. The insurer initially agreed to pay the...
read moreAppeal Court rules that not all bad faith attracts punitive damages.
On November 3, 2020, the BC Court of Appeal held that not all bad faith conduct will result in an award of punitive damages. In Gascoigne v. Desjardins Financial Security Life Assurance Co. (c.o.b. Desjardins Insurance), [2020] B.C.J. No. 1821, 2020 BCCA 316, the insured, an ICBC bodily injury adjuster, sued her disability insurer under her group benefits policy when her claim for long term disability benefits was denied. She developed inflammation of the tendons of her left elbow, requiring surgery, and subsequently developed depression. At trial, the medical evidence established that she...
read moreManulife found GUILTY of breaching privacy.
On January 31, 2020, the Alberta Information and Privacy Commissioner found Manulife guilty of breaching of disclosing a worker’s personal information to her employer’s agent without her consent. https://www.canlii.org/en/ab/aboipc/doc/2020/2020canlii9595/2020canlii9595.html?resultIndex=1
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