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Covid-19 testing and LTD benefits.

Posted by on Jan 24, 2022 in Articles, Articles - Covid-19 | 0 comments

Covid-19 testing and LTD benefits.

The lack of Covid-19 testing should have no impact on whether a long-term disability (LTD) claim is successful. With the shortage of PCR tests and the rapid spread of the Omicron variant, many are concerned that their inability to confirm Covid-19 through a positive PCR test will prevent them from getting approved for LTD benefits if they remain disabled from work.   Diagnosis not a prerequisite to getting benefits   A diagnosis of COVID-19, or any diagnosis, is not a prerequisite to getting LTD benefits. Look at the language of...

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Mental illness and LTD benefits: a Sun Life Report.

Posted by on Dec 15, 2021 in Articles, Articles - Disability and Critical Illness | 0 comments

Mental illness and LTD benefits: a Sun Life Report.

Sun Life recently released some internal statistics regarding mental health and long term disability claims. The report confirms what many in the industry have suspected for some time: LTD claims for depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses are on the rise.  In fact, 30% of all long term disability claims are mental health related, which is more than the next two most common causes of disability combined, with cancer at 15% and accidents at 12%.   About the report. Sun Life insures more than six million Canadians.  It has vast amounts...

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Medical conditions that qualify for LTD benefits.

Posted by on Dec 14, 2021 in Articles, Articles - Disability and Critical Illness | 0 comments

Medical conditions that qualify for LTD benefits.

You may be wondering which are the medical conditions that qualify for disability benefits? The truth is that any medical condition may potentially qualify for disability benefits. The analysis focusses on the extent of the functional disability caused by the medical condition, and whether the extent of functional disability meets the requirements for various disability benefits plans and programs. Which medical conditions qualify for disability benefits? Any medical condition may qualify for disability benefits. Generally...

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